Monday, July 22, 2013

Summer Before Senior Year!

SENIOR YEAR IS FINALLY HERE!!!! Well this summer has been really fun I have been working for the City of Henderson and been hanging out with friends when I have a chance! Well I just celebrated my 17th birthday and it was so much fun my best friend Sabrina threw my friend Myranda and I a surprise party and rented a jump house for us to jump in and sleep in that night to make it so memorable! This birthday was also my Star Birthday which means that I turned the same age as the day I was born!

My friends and I have made a bucket list we want to accomplish before summer ends we are already half way done with that! Lets hope we can accomplish this by the time we go back to school! Well here are some things we have accomplished on the list....

1) To play flash light tag in the dark
2) See the sun rise together
3) Take a picture under the Las Vegas sign
4) Swim in a pool with glow sticks at the bottom

There are so much more I could list but trying to remember them all is hard! Well until next time!

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My babbies!!!!!!

My babbies!!!!!!

