Friday, March 13, 2009

teacher)now someone tell me wat the answer is to numer 1.
teacher) jimmy
jimmy) it is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bubbles
teacher) no its jonas brothers in las vegas on aug.1 c u there.
jimmy) can we see the jonas brothers now
teacher) u mean the 3D movie
jimmy) ya
sara) i want to watch a little bit longer
teacher) ok thats the end of r lessen today
sara and riley) did u here the jonas brothers are mrs.hayley's husband and brothers in law.
nick walks out and asks hayley were is kayla
nick)ill c if she is in the coke michine
nick fines kayla
nick)omj y r u in the gummy bear
kayla)im doing the gummy bear dance to get the gummy out of it
the end
untill next time

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