Thursday, January 8, 2009


Ok, this isn't Kayla, this is Hayley. I am Kayla's best friend and big sister. Yo!!! You can check out my blog at . Oh, and , THANKS FOR TELLING EVERYONE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, KAYLA!!! So, I might as well tell you about me on her blog, and I'll talk about her on my blog. I am 13 years old. I turn 14 on August 18. ( A loooooong ways away.) I am in 8th grade, and I go to Schofield MS. I LOVE, read my lips, L-O-V-E the Jonas Brothers!!! I personally don't like Taylor Swift, but I know Kayla does. So, ya, check out my blog too!!!

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My babbies!!!!!!

My babbies!!!!!!

